PASTEL GEMS I made this gemstone-beaded wristlace to hasten the welcome of spring, with long stretches of faceted fluorite rondelles (26 inches of gemstones total), which shade from lilac to green, with moments of rose and sky blue. A flurry of Japanese glass seed beads were partnered to match, in multicolor stretches, and then segments of green, lilac, rose. A Monet, if I may, for your wrist and neck, to hold you till the peonies do, at last, arrive.
Length, 78 inches, to wear short around the neck wrapped four times, or draped in two long loops. Or wind around the wrist (stretch cord makes it possible) 9 to 11 times so you can admire the sparkle from the stones as you move. $85.
Artwork by Ryan Myers, "At Loss for Peonies" (private collection).