NAUTICAL STRIPES You can almost smell the sea air in this wristlace. Okay, not quite. BUT, there is a lot of nautical inspiration: crisp navy-and-white striped beads, turquoise waters, aqua sky, and the sunlight glinting here and there in a flash of gold.
Or maybe that's overselling it, and we can just instead focus on how very pleasing and soothing these colors are together, and how incredible each and every kind of special finish herein is. (Matte eucalyptus, silky light teal, marbled turquoise, gold-lined crystal, opalescent sky blue, glossy periwinkle, matte periwinkle, semi-glazed navy blue, and of course, those charming blue-and-white striped beads.)
Length, approximately 82 inches long, to wrap around the wrist 11 to 12 times. Can be worn many different ways as a necklace; shown looped into a lightly layered mid-length necklace.